Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Countdown to New Years - Purpose, Not Resolution

Today – December 11, 2012; Tomorrow – 20 days until New Years.  For the first time, I know exactly what I want my purpose to be.  In the past, I filled out a list so that I can “try” to make my life better.  As I got older, the list was still filled with hopes, but it was far more about me than what others thought I should be or do.

Now, my list is clear.  I leave very little room for error and the list is often filled with actual tasks rather than hopes or ideas.  Therefore, in the spirit of Chanukah, here are my first 8 actions that will appear on my 2013 Purpose List.

1.      Continue Tennis lessons and graduate to next level

2.      Continue writing blog and explore new writing opportunities

3.      Those I promised to have over, make the date with them.  And don’t invite people without making the date.  I am really sincere when I tell people that I want to have them over and then life gets in the way and I am overwhelmed with my limited time.

4.      Date Night with another couple.  Perry and I have really enjoyed sitting together with another couple and getting a chance to talk without interruptions from the kids. 

5.      Family Play dates.  Perry and I meet many friends through our kids and often, we rush a conversation at school or a party.  We would like to spend quality time with one family at a time.

6.      Walk/Meditate/Pray – I put all three of these together to highlight that I will slow down, breathe and speak to G-d.  My life moves very fast and 2013 is expected to be a sprint.  With a trips to Israel and New York already in the first half of the calendar, Maddy’s bat mitzvah will be here quickly and start the second half of the year with a bang.

7.      Laugh a lot with my kids.  Really – this is easier said than done.  With all the activities and stresses in my life, I need to put this on the list to remind me that I want to laugh with them to help balance the energy in our home.

8.      Give greater focus to solving problems.  While I want to make powerful and quick decisions, I want to be sure that I have the appropriate solution.  In many cases, I don’t believe in right or wrong, I believe there are several options to solving a problem.  To develop the best solution, I need to be more thoughtful, compassion and maybe even strategic.

With 20 days to get, I’ll consider this my first draft.  The official 2013 Purpose List will be revealed by January 3.  If you write a Purpose List, make it real and focus on the activities or efforts that force you to be fully present.  It will make all the difference in your growth.

Make it real; Make it yours.

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